EME – Employment Medical Exam

Protecting employees from spreadable diseases

EME - Employment Medical Exam

Generally, maintaining good health is a challenge for employees working for eight-ten hours a day. In addition, busy schedules and personal and professional commitments further affect their mental and physical health. Moreover, meeting deadlines for new and ongoing projects bring them immense stress, ultimately affecting their health. Thus, they need to understand the importance of work-life balance and get the health checkup done periodically.

A healthy staff can consistently deliver enhanced results and investing in them is more beneficial in the long run.

Therefore, the Canada Medical Exams Society has initiated Employment Medical Exam to bring awareness to preventative medicine and encourage individuals to take action towards their health through annual health checkups and healthy habits.

Importance of EME

Conducting regular employment medical checks helps to ensure that your candidates and employees are suitable to enter the workplace and conduct their working activities. To ensure your workplace is safe, offer Employment Medical Exams to your team. 

There are various reasons you should offer employment medical exams at your workplace. Some important reasons are as follows; 

  • Ensure your workforce is capable of completing their job responsibilities. 
  • Reduce your company’s exposure to injuries and potential insurance claims by screening to ensure your employees are fully capable of completing their work tasks.
  • Screening prospective candidates for health risks could save time and money in the long run by understanding whether the candidate is suitable for the role.
  • Complete your due diligence to understand an employee’s context and whether any adjustments would assist them in the workplace.

Benefits to Employees

  • Early detection of potentially severe disease
  • Reduction in risk of complications
  • Greater chances for treatment and cure
  • Lesser medical costs
  • Avoid costly medical services
  • Increases lifespan and improves health

Benefits to Employers

  • A healthy and happier workforce
  • Reduced turnover, absenteeism, presentism, and attrition rate
  • Improved productivity and workplace engagement
  • A content workforce
  • Increased team morale

Prevention is better than cure!

Unfortunately, unhealthy lifestyle choices are linked to most of an employer’s healthcare costs, dramatically affecting productivity. Therefore, we encourage you to propose Employment Medical Exam to your employees and help them maintain a healthier lifestyle.

EME Pricing

Book Employment Medical Exam

Choose one of the following locations to book your employment medical exam.

Our Other Initiatives

The following are other initiatives by CMES to raise awareness on annual health checkups. Click on the buttons below to learn more.

Want To Learn More?

Check out our Medical Resources to learn more about importance of regular health check exams, and how preventive medicine can help you maintain a healthier lifestyle.

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